Bateau Bay Bowling Club Green Irrigation Challenge

ABC Pumps and Irrigation was asked to review the Irrigation system for the new undercover synthetic green project and existing greens at the Bateau Bay Bowling Club.
The Clubs existing Irrigation hydraulically controlled system had become unreliable and inefficient. It required excess power due to leaks in the hydraulic system and required manual operation. Irrigation could only be performed whilst Greens staff were present and during work hours due to system limitations and excessive noise from the system in its cycle. Not great for business operations.
Bowling Clubs Irrigation Solution by ABC Pumps & Irrigation
After a thorough review, our expert team advised that the best path forward was to have the two grass greens fitted with new Toro Infinity VIH rotors & run a new 24v communication supply to the two existing + the new synthetic green. The new Synthetic green needed a head that offers adjustable trajectory due to the lighting package being installed & this head worked a treat.

We also upgraded the dated irrigation pump & controller finding savings in running costs through advances in technology & system design changing from a 7.5kw to 5.5kw pump set.
The irrigation and equipment was installed in stages working alongside civil works to provide limited exposed equipment for aesthetic and safety reasons.
· New pvc irrigation main & cable & conduit as everything was being installed under concrete.
· 24 new VIH heads ,, valve boxes & had shrouds made for corner sprinklers.
Bowling Clubs Irrigation Winning Result
The end result was a simplified system. No more noisy compressor & the ability to set and run programs in advance was a win all around. And better still, this system now also runs reliably on recycled water from Council treatment plant. That's enough to make other Bowling Clubs green with envy.

Do you have a Bowling Clubs Irrigation Project?
Get in touch and our expert team at ABC Pumps & Irrigation can help you too (02) 4388 1811.